Purpose – Knowing your Why in creating your passion in Business

Purpose – Knowing your Why in creating your passion in Business

Purpose Creating successful goals, dreams, aspirations are from knowing your purpose. Knowing your why allows you to create steps that align your business with you. Having a sense of purpose is what you return too, to ensure you are on the right track. Do you know...
You’ve heard of Emotional Intelligence

You’ve heard of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence   EIQ, EI or EQ is a set of emotional, social and relational skills that guide the way we perceive, understand and express ourselves. Also how we connect with others. Manage interpersonal exchange. Cope with challenges; and apply...
Online groups how do we interpret the help?

Online groups how do we interpret the help?

The online advice in online groups how do we interpret the help? I sit in the online space and wonder what is the woman on the next screen thinking of the latest post, blog, comment? Am I the only person who seeks inspiration online. Am I the only person the reads...
DISC | Introduction to Profiling|Authenticity

DISC | Introduction to Profiling|Authenticity

Modern-day DISC The creator of “Wonder Woman”, created one of my favourite tools DISC. To know your strengths and to be able to embrace them and use less energy being someone you aren’t. Find acceptance in others behaviours as it is to them (in other...
Anatomy of Business| Creating your Business

Anatomy of Business| Creating your Business

The Anatomy of Business Anatomy of business is how you set up your business. How many times do you go online and you see a blog, or a meme telling you that someone else can teach how to do your business better? Business is not one size all proposition. The strategies...