Download your Biz BestiePlanner 2021

Congratulations for taking the time to understand that Business planning is about thinking. The value lies in the structure. When you spend time planning, you’ll think about your business in ways that you may not have thought about it before. You’ll look at it from different angles and consider the actions you want to take to make it successful.

Business Planner 2021

Over the next 38 pages, I share with you the importance of knowing what planning is is and how to use the knowledge to create your end result.

Your End result set a strong foundation for your business. Your end result expresses why you do what you do. It will help you attract the right kinds of clients, keep your business focused on the right path, and get you through the tough times.


If you don’t step back and look at the big picture of your business from time to time, it’s easy to fall into a rut of doing the same things over and over again.


As you plan, you’re going to see your end result. Generally, those are going to be big goals. Seeing the end result encourages you to think outside the box. With the end result in front of you, you start to think of ways to achieve it. You’ll get creative and think of things that didn’t occur to you before.


Business planning puts your subconscious mind to work.

Once you’ve started thinking about what you want to achieve and how you will do it, your subconscious mind keeps working on the problem.


While you are busy doing your to-do list, making sure you are writing in a Facebook group or even sleeping, your subconscious is busy working on your plan.


How many times have you awakened in the morning with the answer to a big question? Or had your best ideas come to you in the shower? That’s the power of your subconscious mind. Planning just points it in the right direction.


Your End result set a strong foundation for your business. Your end result expresses why you do what you do. It will help you attract the right kinds of clients, keep your business focused on the right path, and get you through the tough times.


Questions to ask yourself:


  • Which revenue streams are working well? Are there any that you want to drop? 
  • What about new revenue streams that you want to add to the mix?
  •  Do you have a social media strategy? 
  • Will you use paid advertising? Or public relations?
  • Is your primary focus will be on acquiring new customers or on selling more to your existing customers.

You now will have all the tools you need to create your end result!

You are invited to receive more value and information on how to use the knowledge you get from your Target Market over on my Facebook page The Biz Bestie® or join like minded women who are on their business journey in Biz Bestie Facebook group.