Biz Bestie® Online Resources
For Women Business Owners
Biz Bestie Online Resources for Businesswomen is a place where you can sign up to FREE evergreen resources that will help you nurture your business. The resources available help you to align yourself by Building your Brand Authority and showing up as uniquely you. You can also reach create a connection with your paying clients by understanding where they are at and how they recognise that you are the go-to expert that can help them with your service or product. Women naturally like to nurture and are nourished by supporting and empowering other women. In the Biz Bestie® Facebook group, we do this quarterly. If you are ready to create alchemy in your business you can chat mak an appointment with me here.
Build your Brand Authority
Build your Brand Authority
Align your business with the Businesswoman you want to be.
Biz Bestie Online Resources includes the first lesson I will share with you is to show up, sometimes we choose to search for perfection because we don’t trust ourselves. Creating your brand authority by being you is the greatest way to serve your clients and create trust immediately.
Brand Authority reflects the degree to which you market your businesses expertise on different platforms. An active online presence, compelling content, and engagement over social media are some of the significant factors that influence how your clients will trust you. Signup for your free 5-day training here.
Target Market Intelligence
Target Market Intelligence
Marketing and Selling should be something we do for people NOT something we do to them.
Give more and be more within your clients personal and business lives, using relationships to form connections and to grow your business sustainably. Whether it be for creating sales copy, SEO, engaging social media content, paid advertising there success is whether or not you develop relationships with your clients. In this Ebook I explain how important asking your prospective audience if they are you client, where you can use the information you receive and over one hundred questions you can use in your interviews. AnotherBiz Bestie Online Resources offers you the opportunity to Download your Free Ebook here:
Don’t overthink it and make sure you are ready to have fun and shake off any ideas of imperfection that may creep in.
Biz Bestie Online Resources are also available to practice your skills. It is a great place to be perfectly you, whether this is your first time or you #golive often you will be supported by everyone else. It isn’t a challenge to be perfect but one of being part of a collective and learning more about yourself and others. Women naturally like to nurture and are nourished by supporting and empowering other women. In the Biz Bestie® Facebook group, we do this quarterly. #GoLive with support in the next-
Ready to kick start your biz?
hot of the press tips before anyone reads about them