Habits of the Butterfly Mind

What are the habits of the butterfly mind? There is an inner dialogue always going on inside you. Preventing you from getting things done, making clear decisions, and concentrating on tasks that need to be done? 

What overrides that intention? Habit. What sort of habit? The habit of having a butterfly mind. An unsettled mind.

A mind that prefers to be in constant movement and activity means that our thoughts are often quite scattered: and as thought itself is energy, this means that our energy is not focused because it isn’t fully present.

When you live in the moment and apply yourself only to what you are doing, you become very focused and much less anxious or fearful. Being fully present actually, helps with awareness and non-judgment and reduces the habit of overthinking.

Live in the moment, and anxious thoughts tend to disappear because you are focused and at the moment.

How to create a Mindful habit?

The next time you are aware that your thoughts aren’t in the present moment, whether it is worry about the future or reflecting the past imagine yourself with a big net, catching that thought and bringing it back into the moment.

Butterfly, mindful, mindfulness, habits, Biz Bestie, Biz Bestie AustraliaOnce you are back in the moment, allow the butterfly to fly away, i.e. let the thought go completely. If the idea is a planning or strategic one, then of course act on it or writes it down before letting it go.

Mindfulness has an important part to play in online business. How do you think you could introduce a mindful practice in your business. Here is a blog on my thoughts – Link

When your thoughts have created habits of a butterfly mind, how, do you identify that you need to come back and be focused on the present?  How do you decide it is time to turn your intentions into a new habit one that grounds you.


Some of the tools I use to prevent creating habits of a butterfly mind are:


Remember that mindfulness is bringing your mind back to be aware of the present. Paying attention to thoughts, feelings, motivations, responses and reactions are appropriate to gain greater clarity and wisdom. Before reacting in your business mindfulness can help you choose the appropriate response for the moment you are in.  The benefits from being mindful prevent feeling anxious, fearful and unsettled and are replaced by being focused.  Other benefits other than reducing symptoms of stress and nervous disorders are

  • Improved problem solving
  • less selfishness
  • more acceptance
  • greater enjoyment of life
  • less beating ourselves up, and
  • better mind-body integration.

Creating a business strategy in your business must align with you and. Not encourage you to develop habits of a butterfly mind! Please email me at nicol@courageousu.com.au



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