Modern-day DISC

The creator of “Wonder Woman”, created one of my favourite tools DISC. To know your strengths and to be able to embrace them and use less energy being someone you aren’t. Find acceptance in others behaviours as it is to them (in other words, learn why not to take things personally). By profiling your observable actions, he modernised what Hippocrates penned as being four temperaments. William Moulton Marsden was a psychologist and a lawyer who saw the courage in women.  He wrote,  Emotions of Normal People, which elaborated into modern-day DISC? Marston also uncovered the correlation between lying and a rise in blood pressure, which was the lynch-pin discovery for the modern polygraph.



The Four Quadrant’s

DISC is nearly the foundation of all four quadrant behavioural assessments.  The DISC model is Dominance, Influence, Steady and Compliance.  It is important to remember that we are never only one style.  We may have more potent behaviours that stem from one style, but the other three will influence how we behave differently than other people with the same style.

  • D – Dominance 
  • I – Influence
  • S – Steadiness 
  • C – Conscientious

DISC is a Tool

DISC is not a tool to predict how successful you are going to be.  It does identify a person’s pace and priorities.  Are you fast or slow, people or task-oriented or are you all four at different times?  It can tell you, your strengths how you will problem solve and how will you face opportunities and challenges.  DISC does not measure a person’s skill or intelligence.


DISC helps you know your self through a scientific algorithm; it is not personal nor someone’s opinion.  The profile helps you to understand why when you spend time with some, you are exhausted and others, it seems like the time flies.  You know your customer had an excellent experience with you but has tried someone else.  Or that person who doesn’t get those jokes.  It is how our brain works to behave under different circumstances, not how we feel about a person.  A 40-page profile without judgment and why others are different, and it takes the personal out of business.


When you begin to know yourself so well, you can accept behaviours as they are part of you.  These behaviours become adaptable, and you learn when they are a strength, and when they weaken you.  For example, a D wants to get the job done “NOW”, this is great if there are significant time constraints. If your customer is on a journey of discovery, the D should encourage their customer to learn the steps to do it in their own time.  The D is using its strengths to get the job done now. Adapting their behaviour to serve their customer by interpreting what now looks like for each client.

The same D,  is a client also will be hiring someone who gets the job done now?  If you can’t, how do you make your message adaptable without losing your authentic self? Most D’s will be ok if they are given a plan of action, as an effect as being served now. Everyone has up to four different quadrants.  The differing levels make each of us unique.  Understanding your make-up allows you to identify behaviours in your clients.

An I client isn’t a loyal customer they will go for what is the best offer?  (Knowing them well will help you to be the best offer).  A “D” doesn’t want small talk! A “C” wants to know what is your strategy.  An S wants to know how you and your family are!  When you understand the nuances of the tool.  Clients will feel the connection you have created.  Importantly your intention becomes to meet your client where they are and bring them to where you want them to be.

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